Whether you work with a nonprofit or business, grant funding can be the difference between closing up shop or thriving for the long term.
But you might not have the staff with the skills to find the grants and get funded.
That’s where we come in!
We’ll train your staff to write grant proposals that get noticed AND funded. We’ve worked with all kinds of organizations, such as arts and culture nonprofits, Black-led nonprofits, entrepreneurs, human services agencies, start-up businesses, and schools and universities.
While plenty of people know how to write, when it comes to grants, it’s more than just filling out a form.
Your grants must...

Be compelling and succinct

Appeal emotionally to donors and be supported by data

Tackle all the required key points that make your strongest case for funding
…so you can keep doing the work you love that benefits your community.
Don’t waste time stringing together various webinars, YouTube videos, and random free trainings for your staff.
Let’s work together to develop custom grant training for your staff to write winning grant proposals so that you can exceed your funding goals.

Book a 20-minute call so we can discuss what you most want to get out of customized grant writing training

Together we’ll decide on a format that works for you and your organization (2-hour workshop in person, a series of three 1-hour webinars, etc…)

Then we’ll determine our deliverables and begin!
Even better?
These training workshops can be virtual, in-person, or a combination of both!

“I CAN actually do this!
...you’ve given me hope that maybe I CAN actually do this grant writing gig.”
Make sure your grants get
noticed and funded.
Learn the exact steps that helped raise over 30 million in grants for my clients.

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